Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Sunday Film Festival - CRONOS

What a treat. This movie is a gem.

Perhaps I should have watched it back to back with VIDEODROME. It would have made a perfect double feature. Both involve some stomachs ripping open and flesh peeling off faces, you know.

CRONOS is Guillermo del Toro's debut feature about an old antique dealer who finds an ancient mechanical-insect-thing that gives him strength and immortality - with a twist. The first Guillermo del Toro movie I saw was MIMIC, followed by BLADE 2, then HELLBOY, and then PAN'S LABYRINTH. Somehow I missed CRONOS. I also missed DEVIL'S BACKBONE. I know, I know... next Sunday, maybe.



  1. Devil's Backbone is his best. You'll love it.

  2. Pan's Labyrinth is a favorite of mine. I had the pleasure of working with Doug Jones recently and I can completely see what a fit he was for many of Guillermo del Toro's films. What a genius! I love Guillermo del Toro's unusualness.

    I will have to check Cronos out have not seen that one yet.
